Sobenský rybník 1996

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A opět tu bylo léto a s ním přišel i nový tábor s celotáborovou hrou zaměřěnou tentokráte na staré pověsti české. Já jsem byl v Rožmiku naposledy jako dítě a musím říci, že jsem si to opravdu užil. Již úplně opadla počáteční nedůvěra k nové partě vedoucích, kterou jsme přivítali v minulém roce, a která na nás udělala velký dojem (nejen) skvěle zpracovaným CETEHem na motiv řeckých bájí a pověstí. Ale zpátky k šestadevadesátému. Tento tábor rozhodně vešel do podvědomí všech zúčastněných jako tábor deště a promáčených stanů. Jediné tři dny, kdy nepršelo si užila nejstarší kategorie na tradičním puťáku ve Slavětíně.

...a takhle nějak to tam vypadá dodnes.

Jedna z mnoha pověstí českých.

Kubíček vyhlašuje etapu CETEHu.

Sporťák Ivan Jelínek a vedoucí Mirek

Puťák. ...jó to bejvávaly časy.

Stany, ve kterých v noci stejnak nikdo nespal. Ono to snad ani nešlo !!!

MDU 73A aneb klasická sobeňácká chatka.

FLÍ v podání Davida Andreatty a za dirigence Jaromíra.

The best of 11. & 12. oddíl (no co, někdo to fotit musel !!)

12. oddíl v plné své kráse.

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katana (03.02.2025 09:33):
katana (03.02.2025 09:33):
ukYH (22.06.2020 03:24):
ukYH (22.06.2020 03:24):
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ukYH (22.06.2020 03:24):
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ukYH (22.06.2020 03:24):
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' AND EXTRACTVALUE(8567,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71707a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8567=8567,1))),0x717a627671)) AND 'YUex'='YUex
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') AND (SELECT 8922 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71707a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8922=8922,1))),0x717a627671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('GQie'='GQie
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' AND (SELECT 8922 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71707a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8922=8922,1))),0x717a627671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'KPaf'='KPaf
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') AND (SELECT 8922 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71707a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8922=8922,1))),0x717a627671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('UavW' LIKE 'UavW
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ukYH (22.06.2020 03:24):
") AND (SELECT 8922 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71707a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8922=8922,1))),0x717a627671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ("rCsQ"="rCsQ
ukYH (22.06.2020 03:24):
" AND (SELECT 8922 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71707a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8922=8922,1))),0x717a627671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND "Lebx"="Lebx
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) AND (SELECT 8922 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71707a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8922=8922,1))),0x717a627671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (5328=5328
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ukYH (22.06.2020 03:24):
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How much notice do you have to give? u s history essay questions The aide, Irena Woycicka, said on Thursday that thepresident agreed to meet Jerzy Buzek, a former prime ministerand opponent of the overhaul on Friday to talk about the changesto the pension system. white privilege essay �It bothers my dog,� she told Confidenti@l at a Brooklyn screening of her new flick, �Drinking Buddies,� in which she plays a low-key brewery worker who believes she may be in love with her best friend and co-worker. free argumentative essay Danielle is actually a friend of Cerniello�s. But the aging woman in the video isn�t just one person. She is a compilation of women. Cerniello accompanied Danielle to her family�s Thanksgiving party. Along with photographer Keith Sirchio, he took portraits of the females in her family. Over the course of several years, he worked with digital animators and a 3D specialist to create a long shot of �Danielle� blinking, breathing, and getting older. working in a team essay Ellison's team won the America's Cup in Valencia, Spain in 2010 and with it the right to set the rules for this year's competition, including the AC72 yachts and the regatta's venue on windy San Francisco Bay.
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How do I get an outside line? analitical essay The House passed a farm bill on a party-line vote on July 11that was limited to agricultural support programs and left outfood stamps altogether. The two elements are typically twinned,as they were in the Senate version that was passed in June. thesis proposa To combat a surge in smartphone theft, the NYPD has launched a campaign to advise consumers about the security benefits of updating to Apple's latest -- but neglected to promote a similar feature Google launched on Android one month earlier. research papers on the great gatsby Young British actor Freddie Highmore lends his voice to Justin, while his love interest Lara, a beautiful, snobby princess, is voiced by Tamsin Egerton. She drew on people she has come across in real life. essay on my dreams and aspirations There was a risk, he added, that "an adversary would be tempted to strike first at our deterrent while it is sitting in its home port, knowing that we have no submarines at sea that could respond".
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KekXgoiHE (11.09.2016 21:47):
Go travelling an essay on computer It took a workforce of 15,000 men to build her and sister ship Olympic, and when RMS Titanic was launched in April 1912 she was the largest man-made object on the planet. How fitting, then, that the redevelopment project that now bears her name should be of equally gargantuan proportions. essay writing visit historical place The youth, who was 16 at the time,�  had stockpiled petrol bombs, weapons and armour at his home and allegedly planned to use them against staff and pupils at his former school in the Leicestershire town of Loughborough, an Old Bailey jury was told. i need help on my english essay "Today's ruling was a pyrrhic victory for Anglo American, which as the largest gold mining company over the past 50 years still has to face compelling claims by thousands of miners affected by dust-related lung diseases," said Richard Meeran of Leigh Day, which is representing the miners. essay writing services recommendations "The Q3 GDP figure is in line with market expectations butthe uncertainty is whether the current recovery is sustainable,"said Shen Jianguang, chief China economist with MizuhoSecurities in Hong Kong.
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Could I have , please? simple lab report Frieden added that simple measures like making sure doctors wash their hands and checking that IVs and catheters -- which are major sources of infection -- only stay in as long as necessary can help reduce infection rates. He also pointed out that the CDC is encouraging hospitals to be transparent with their infection rates, and many websites now host that information for potential patients. essay on buddha purnima For example, if the Netflix shares, which Icahn sold at between $304.23 and $341.44 to reap a profit of about $800 million, continue to climb to say $500 then Icahn would have missed out on a much bigger potential gain of about $1.3 billion. He would pay the Sargon portfolio a large part of the difference - through a complex calculation that includes assumptions, a hurdle, and is also related to the shares' value at the end of March this year. The agreement expires in August 2016. girls education in india essay With his usually sharp short game once again clicking after he had surprisingly struggled for much of this season, Furyk putted superbly on the way to a five-under-par 65 in rain-softened conditions at Oak Hill Country Club. good teacher qualities essay This week, a conference at a nice hotel just outside Edinburgh, organised by the Economic and Social Research Council, will take a look at some international lessons for the economics of independence.
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Could you give me some smaller notes? dissertation director The departments of Justice and State this week are holding back-to-back LGBT events in honor of gay pride month, and as the Supreme Court prepares to deliver two landmark decisions on same-sex marriage. essays on sylvia plath But the Fed's top official also flagged concerns about government austerity hurting the economy while political gridlock threatens to shut down government and trigger a debt default, adding to the risks facing markets and growth. great short essays Goetz added that the sales assistant had wanted to show Winfrey, who earned an estimated $77 million in the year to June 2013, that the bag was available in other materials, which may have given the impression that the shop did not want to sell it to her. essay on my role model kiran bedi The video shows Smith holding hands and romping around with an actor who appears much older than her. There's nothing too racy afoot � the couple hold hands, and at one point, the man picks Willow up-but commenters were alarmed at the use of the word "fling," inferring a relationship that's sexual in nature.
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I'm not interested in football arcoxia 120 mg precio en chile ON-THE-BOOKS, Eight million illegal immigrants are working in, non-agriculture, American jobs, by using false, or stolen SS numbers. Using SS mismatches, DHS knows where these illegal immigrants are working. panadol rezeptpflichtig WASHINGTON, Aug 9 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama onFriday launched an aggressive defense of his landmark healthcarelaw, attacking Republicans for seeking its repeal withoutoffering a substitute for the millions of Americans who would beleft uninsured.
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